I think it's about time you heard the honest-to-goodness truth about the Property Preservation industry from someone who has no reason to lie to you...    

I'm not going to spend 10 minutes trying to convince you about how great the Property Preservation business is and how there's millions of foreclosures that all need your services. And I'm not going to talk about how much money you can make starting a Property Preservation company, either. The way I see it, you're smart enough to realize the potential of this industry, otherwise you wouldn't have landed here on this website.

But first I gotta level with you...

Most People Just Don't Have What It Takes To Build Up a Property Preservation Business From Scratch

The Property Preservation Industry has chewed up and spit out more wannabee business owners than any other construction-related business I've ever encountered. If you don’t take the time to educate yourself about the business, you really should just take a regular job somewhere, and stay far away from the risks and realities of being your own boss in the Property Preservation Industry.

And if you do learn more about the Property Preservation Industry and then don’t think you’re up for it, that’s alright. There's nothing wrong with educating yourself about a business and then deciding that it's really not for you.

In fact, I would much rather make that decision myself based on research and accurate thinking... Wouldn't You? You can do that nowadays because of the availability of specialized information.

Ironically, most of the people who are struggling would probably say something about the amount of money they spent learning about Property Preservation and "they couldn't possibly let that money go to waste"...

But that's just another example of the old "Industrial Age" way of thinking which no longer applies to today's businesses.

Without hesitation, I would always rather spend a little money to learn something if it will save me time and more money in the future. To me it makes sense. But for some strange reason, some people never quite understand this concept.

On the other hand… if you’ve got entrepreneur’s blood in your veins… and you really DO want to start a Property Preservation business... then I look forward to getting to know you.


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